An Aussie Chef in France William Page, Chef, late of Adelaide, has confounded the Commentariat and established himself in Berry, central France. And Michelin have recognised the achievement and awarded him a star...
Kangaroo Island Food Paradise Kangaroo Island, famed for its pristine wildlife, is less well-known for its equally-impressive food scene. Even the honeybees are a purer strain than on the mainland.
Smart Cookies Nadine Ingram has elevated the humble biscuit into a crunchy artform.
Chocolate Food, mystical drink, and so pleasurable the usual kill-joys in the name of religion have tried to ban it. Chocolate nevertheless endures as one of the most widely enjoyed foods in the world.
Diamonds of the Kitchen Truffles are now growing in Western Australia.
Aussie Icon Aussie Icon - the Meat Pie. The Great Aussie Meat Pie Competition keeps the torch alight in the battle against the mass-produced monstrosities sold at metropolitan footie matches.
Guillaume at Bennelong. Guillaume at Bennelong. The icon within an icon. Guillaume Brahimi runs the famous restaurant Bennelong within the even-more famous Sydney Opera House.
Chop Chop Chop Chop. Portuguese cooking has spread all over the world. Bread, Tempura, Fish and Chips, batter, spices and sugar - all owe their use to the intrepid Portuguese mariners and their cooks.
The Dangers of Home-Sickness A man and a dog in Manila decide to make Real English Sausages. All goes well at first.
The Humble Crumble A simple and humble British dish is prepared and the breath-taking flavours silence a scoffing gourmet.
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